Archive for November, 2009

Minimizing Unpleasant Odors in Your Hydroponics Systems

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If you are running home hydroponics systems, you probably have had to contend with unpleasant odors wafting from your grow room. While this may be less of a concern in professional hydroponics systems, it can sometimes be discouraging for your average home hydroponic grower to feel like they have to constantly mask the odors in their own house. While you can’t change the fact that many of the materials used in hydroponic growing have a potent smell, there are certain steps you can take to ensure your house does wind up smelling like a greenhouse.
For more tips on improving your indoor hydroponics garden, sign up for the most in-depth hydroponic newsletter on the web.

To become a member of an ever growing group of growers who strive to take their indoor garden to the next level, join Growers Underground.

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Build Your Own Hydroponic Garden

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Today, hydroponics is used in a variety of settings. Wherever soil is unavailable, hydroponic gardening seems to appear. Wildcatters on offshore oilrigs grow their own tomatoes. Cooks on nuclear submarines hydroponically grow vegetables to use in there crew’s meals. Right now, plants are growing on orbiting space stations without a single grain of soil.

This video is an outline of the equipment and steps neccessary to build your own hydroponic garden.

For more tips on improving your indoor hydroponics garden, sign up for the most in-depth hydroponic newsletter on the web.

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Hydroponic Gardening for beginners

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The Benefits of Hydroponics

hydroponicsHydroponics is proved to have several advantages over soil gardening. The growth rate on a hydroponic plant is 30-50 percent faster than a soil plant, grown under the same conditions. The yield of the plant is also greater. Scientists believe that there are several reasons for the drastic differences between hydroponic and soil plants. The extra oxygen in the hydroponic growing mediums helps to stimulate root growth. Plants with ample oxygen in the root system also absorb nutrients faster. The nutrients in a hydroponic system are mixed with the water and sent directly to the root system. The plant does not have to search in the soil for the nutrients that it requires. Those nutrients are being delivered to the plant several times per day. The hydroponic plant requires very little energy to find and break down food. The plant then uses this saved energy to grow faster and to produce more fruit. Hydroponic plants also have fewer problems with bug infestations, funguses and disease. In general, plants grown hydroponically are healthier and happier plants.

For more tips on improving your indoor hydroponics garden, sign up for the most in-depth hydroponic newsletter on the web.

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Hydroponics Grow Enhancers: The Answer to Getting Bigger Yields

hydroponicsUsing an effective grow enhancer can definitely give you bigger yields and better crops. These products are also popular because they can be used through any stage of plant development such as germination, vegetation, and flowering. Grow enhancers are considered very effective because they contain a powerful combination of vitamins and other substances designed to help stimulate plant growth.

One of main reasons why these enhancers can give you bigger yields is because they provide your plants with essential B Vitamins. Using certain concentrations of B vitamins is a very potent way of stimulating plant growth. For example, vitamin B1or Thiamine helps promote the synthesis of sugars that your plants need to thrive. By adding this vitamin into your reservoir, you increase your plants’ ability to absorb these sugars, thus, giving you large, hearty fruits and vegetables. This B vitamin complex also contains vitamin B2 or Riboflavin that activates an enzyme to catalyze the ability of plant cells to turn oxygen and sugars into the energy that they need to grow.

Grow enhancers are also often packed with seaweed or kelp extract which contain powerful plant hormones designed specifically to encourage plant growth. These hormones send a signal to your plant cells to grow and divide very rapidly, which leads to faster growth, faster harvest time, and bigger yields. And to make these nutrients and vitamins as effective as possible, high quality grow enhancers come with a humic acid base. Humic acid has the ability to chelate, or bind positively charged ions that can allow your plants to absorb more nutrients than usual.

Hydroponics is easy to set up when you’re a hobbyist, but if you have aspirations of becoming a master grower, you owe it to yourself to read the best hydroponics newsletter on the web.

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